Agro- Farm Industry   

Pesticides are widely used in agriculture, and while the health risks they pose are well known, it is difficult to accomplish their complete removal from agricultural processes. The chemicals used can be replaced with positively with ozone gas or  ozone-enriched water. It is environmentally friendly and the products are completely chemical free.

Main areas:

Grain silos, Fruit and vegetable storages, Mushroom growing,
Poultry farms, Hog - Cattle breeding-farms, Fish hatcheries-processing  Dairy – milk production, Cheese factories
Honey Bee Hives,
 Active O2 (ozone) treatment has been shown to:
• Effectively removes microbiological contamination
• Without killing small insects washed on the ground
• Increased plant resistance to certain microbiological pests
• Similar spraying rates used when applying chemicals
• Important bonus: chemical-free soil
 • Excellent soil sterilization
• Chemical free process and product