Design- Planning….. 

Among the ozone generators available on the current market, the amount and concentration of the planned ozone gas often can be missed. Here only the frequent ozone applications and the main and important guiding aspects are listed below. Ozone measurement: usually in  g / hour or lb/ day The ozone gas emission value and mass are displayed at the same time, indicating the mass of ozone gas produced during that period. This is the most widely used method for comparing ozone generators and can be the most important guideline for choosing the right machine. In water treatment applications, the concentration of ozone gas is just as important for proper ozone generator sizing.
Ozone Concentration:
It is usually measured in PPB / PPM or % by weight.
The ozone concentration is the ratio of the total gas input to the ozone production, that is, the efficiency of the ozone generator in converting oxygen to ozone.
In water treatment, the concentration of ozone gas is very important because it affects the solubility of ozone in water. In cases where a large amount of dissolved ozone is required, the ozone concentration is the most important variable as it controls the maximum level of dissolved ozone in water.
When using oxygen for ozone production, ozone concentration is also very important because an ozone generator that produces ozone at lower ozone concentrations will need more oxygen to produce the same g / h of ozone.
Dry air or oxygen supply gas:
Ozone gas can be produced from oxygen, dry and ambient air as a feed gas. Using air as a feed gas also produce Nox gas. Ozone gas is produced more efficiently from pure oxygen than from ambient air. In water treatment, ozone gas production from oxygen is more efficient due to increased ozone concentration and higher water solubility of ozone gas.
Ozone gas produced in ambient or dry air is more susceptible to contamination of ozone-producing components and requires more frequent maintenance than pure ozone generated by pure oxygen.
However, the maintenance costs of the PSA concentrator and air compressor increase the operating costs of the system.

Air-cooled or water-cooled corona cell:

Energy is required to convert oxygen to ozone. Air-cooled ozone generators are simple and require fewer common system components. Air-cooled ozone generators are generally designed for small to medium sized ozone gas applications. Water-cooled ozone generators require the use of cooling water to produce ozone gas. Where air quality is contaminated, these contaminants require special attention to prevent their accumulation in the internal components of the system. Corona discharge or electrolytic cell: Ozone is most often produced by crown discharge or electrolysis. Corona discharge ozone generators The industrial ozone generator usually produces ozone gas using corona discharge technology. Ozone gas is produced up to 20% by weight without limiting ozone production. For best results, ozone gas is produced from oxygen. Electrolytic ozone generators Ozone gas is formed through electrolytic process directly in water, so there is no need to use gases, as opposed to equipment in contact with gases in corona discharge types. The water must be very pure for the production of electrolytic ozone gas, since contamination of the anode and cathode elements used in this method will result in failure. Corona cells: Insulated- Dielectric- Ceramic Ceramics are used in many forms. With low power, flat ozone generator insulated ceramics are common. The cell design also uses ceramic coating as insulation. This is usually done in a circular tube. Quartz material is used in many circular pipe generators. Quartz offers permanent insulation with high heat resistance. Advanced ozone generators use a dual quartz insulation design that separates ozone gas from the anode or cathode contact.

Anode / cathode material
Stainless steel
The most commonly used material in the manufacture of ozone generators is stainless steel. Stainless steel is used for both anode and cathode materials in many ozone generators.
Aluminum is used in many air-cooled ozone generators. Aluminum has a limited resistance to ozone air by-products and is generally only used with oxygen feed gas.
In some ozone generators, titanium is preferred to anodes. The most important of the many benefits of titanium are: good wear, material compatibility and heat transfer.
Output pressure of the ozone generator
Ozone generators can be used under vacuum or pressure, or both, to improve efficiency.
Operating under vacuum is an excellent way to eliminate ozone gas leaks. By using dry air, it is possible to remove ozone gas from the ozone generator and air dryer while keeping the system under vacuum and minimizing leaks.
The pressure is ideal when the application requires ozone gas pressure. The higher the pressure of the ozone generator, the more flexible the system will be.
Increasing the pressure on the ozone discharge side is not ideal as it generates additional heat, depletes the ozone and results in leakage points.


Inexpensive lower quality and high quality ozone generators are now readily available. Customized ozone generators are also available for special high-performance applications. There is a wide range of quality and reliability between machines that can vary dramatically.

High-quality generators often use many generic components, which is beneficial for long-term availability of replacement parts.
PLC integration:
In applications where system automation is required, the ozone generator can be controlled by external commands.
Basic features:
Remote control ON / OFF
• ON signal (running))
• Output setting 0-100% (0-10 VDC or 4-20 mA input)
• Oxygen / Ozone valves open / closed 
The appropriate ozone generator for a given application needs to be selected, taking into account all possible variables and indicators relevant to the task. Ozone gas is quite easy to produce, but proper installation of ozone gas for application is not that simple or easy.