There are 2 common methods to neutralize-dissolve the active O3 gas.

1, Mobilsept MSO ozone scrubber unit will safely catalyze ozone to oxygen reliably with no consumables.  All ozone destruct devices are compatible with wet or dry ozone gas.   To dissolve wet ozone gas a heater element is needed to be in operation.

The ozone dissolve unit uses a simple design with all stainless steel and ozone resistant (Teflon) materials contacting ozone gas.  This results outstanding material compatibility and long-term use. 

Usually the gas inlet is on the bottom, air flows up through the catalyst bed to the outlet on the top. Also, there is an air gap is provided on the inlet to lock out the possibility of the ozone gas form any condensation and to be converted safely to vapor form in the heated area of the unit.  This is securing the catalyst material is not to be damaged by water droplets.

Wet air is considered an the off-gas from ozone water systems or ozone processes containing water, is rated as wet air.  This O3  off-gas is regularly  passed through the dissolve unit to efficiently remove ozone from the off-gas and revert it to oxygen.  The gas being wet and humid a longer contact time will take place between the catalyst material and gas stream.  This process results the lower air flow rating.

Dry air in the ozone process where ozone gas is produced from oxygen, or dry air and ozone dissolve is necessary as part of that process.

Using ambient air could have some humidity and will fall in between the wet and dry process air classification.  It is recommended that humidity levels above 30% wet air flow rating is to be used.  Humidity levels above 50% should use the heater element. 

Please contact us with your specific need and requirements for free product estimate

Change Catalyst:

The catalyst material used in the O3 dissolve unit is easily replaceable.  Usually the catalyst is expected a life of several years in dry gas applications. In wet gas applications after1 year it will become contaminated with impurities in the air and will reduce its efficacy.  Replacing the catalyst material is very simple. 

A catalyst change kit is available including the required catalyst material, replacement screens, and a new gasket.